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Our services

A detailed description of our services offered

Gentle cleaning of solar modules with water_edited.jpg
Gentle cleaning of solar modules with water_edited.jpg

Cleaning of photovoltaic panels

Cleaning photovoltaic panels is necessary because they are exposed to various air pollution, pesticides, industrial fumes, exhaust gases, dust, pollen, etc.

This will leave a greasy film preventing the sun's rays from penetrating effectively.

It is recommended to carry out one cleaning in the spring and one in the fall.

A loss in the performance of your equipment can reach 10 to 15% in the absence of adequate cleaning.

On certain installations and depending on the location, a loss of efficiency of 20 to 35% has been observed following non-maintenance of these panels over a period of 2 years.

We offer an organic solution that respects photovoltaic equipment as well as the environment with cleaning with pure water.


Window cleaning

Window cleaning is essential to guarantee visibility and cleanliness for your business or home.

Our teams carry it out using different possible methods, which will guarantee you a trace-free passage and undisputed cleanliness of your window frames.

Always with attention to detail and the environment with exclusively biodegradable products.

So you benefit from healthy cleaning that does not pollute the environment.

Le nettoyage des vitres
Autolaveuse industrielle

Cleaning of terrace, balcony, driveway

Your terraces, balconies and walkways are cleaned with biodegradable products and high pressure washing to ensure surface disinfection.

In natural stone, tiles, concrete or other types of coverings we can provide this maintenance.

Washing these surfaces allows the materials to be preserved over time and saves money on replacement.

Our services

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